Friday, May 22, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 61: Ab Ripper X

I rode my bicycle home from work and was rather fatigued by the time I reached home. I'm not sure what caused that feeling; perhaps skipping the recovery drink following the morning workout, perhaps the temperature (26°). I ate well today and drank lots of water. Perhaps it was the combination of legs & back, followed by cycling. I'll monitor this situation and see if it repeats itself. Maybe on days like this I should have an extra hit of protein, or increase my food intake for a bit of extra energy.

I put off ARX until 8:20PM. I wanted my body to recover from the ride home and to give it an opportunity to digest dinner (I love the way I talk about my body in the third person, as though I weren't inhabiting it). I really wasn't in the mood for the workout, but, like a true Xer, I pushed play. Wow. Still major fatigue in my body. I didn't think I would get through the first 4 exercises, but, after heels to heaven, I caught my second wind and finished up strong. Some days are better than others. The important thing is to keep at it.

Favourite move today: mason twists. The workout is over after that.

Toughest move today: reverse bicycles. After cycling home today, I didn't want to have anything to do with bicycling. Major hit in the thighs and hip flexors. Yikes.

Tony line of the day: "If you need a break, take one. We're doing 25 a pop."

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