Wednesday, May 20, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 59: Ab Ripper X

I rode home quickly today after work (had to rush to see the new Star Trek film) and had very little time for recovery after my cycling. I quickly towelled off, changed my shorts and set up for Ab Ripper.

I think that my energy level was a bit drained from my ride, because I found ARX to be pretty tough, especially the bicycles (you'd think that I'd be incredibly smooth throughout those sequences. Unfortunately, I wasn't. My thighs and hip flexors were on fire). I managed to get through the routine, and towards the end, really focussed on my core, trying to squeeze the most from my tired abdomen. It looks as though cycling and P90X in combination are going to push my body a bit more. I'm looking forward to that.

Favourite move today: oblique V-ups. I've been reading that many people find this move to be really difficult. I find it quite enjoyable.

Toughest move today: VF rollups. I really struggled with this move today. I even had to take a mid-set break. I don't recall having to do that since the early days of Round 1.

Tony line of the day: "Now there's the face of a girl that's working hard."

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