Wednesday, May 20, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 60: Yoga X

Again, after the push, pull and grunting of the past few days, I was looking forward to Yoga to stretch out the kinks and relax my muscles. I don't really get too sore in P90X anymore, just mostly a pleasant tiredness; a souvenir for having worked hard.

I started Yoga a bit late today, around 6:15AM. Usually, I like to start this routine earlier because it's 1:32 in duration, and I'm still waking up my son and taking him to school. There's a bit of a conflict between Yoga and the morning breakfast/school schedule that I don't like. The idea behind yoga is to clear your mind and relax, but it's sometimes a challenge when other obligations are pressing. It makes having a good attitude while doing Yoga even more important.

I felt strong during the workout today. I really relaxed at the start of the disc, breathing deeply, and really twisting and stretching during the opening exercises. It led to an excellent first half. I was very focussed, and paid extra attention to swinging my leg(s) forward into runner's pose / warrior 1. I've had some difficulty in this move, especially with my right leg, which frequently has required minor adjustment. Today, I concentrated on moving my hip up, out of the way, to clear a path for my leg to swing under and through. My objective was to land my foot in the correct position, without any additional adjustment. Many times, I was successful. Hopefully, this trend will continue. It's satisfying to still find opportunities to improve, even though I have done this workout a lot.

Again, I struggled with wheel, holding it for about 25 seconds. I'm still looking for improvement. I think that my shoulders have to gain a little more strength. I tried relaxing my head, letting it basically dangle, and that helped, but my spine was a bit sore from the bend and I had to abandon the position at about the 40 second mark and go back to bridge. Still, I've come a long way from day 1.

Yoga belly 7 went well today. I tried to strike better form on the last few moves, where the legs hang out to the left/right at various heights. Those exercises, followed by the 3 part touch-the-sky leaves my belly a quivering mass of jell-0. Good times.

Favourite move today: the entire first half of moving options. Loved it.

Toughest move today: 3-part touch the sky. A lot of shake happening.

Tony line of the day: "Don't think about your feet on the ground; think about your hands in the sky. Then, stop thinking."

Favourite move today:

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