Monday, July 12, 2010

Round 6: Day 51: Cardio Intervals

It's been a really long time since I did this workout. I'm still holding back on doing intense cardio work like Insanity, or even Interval X Plus, because of my left calf and now, my right achilles. It may be getting to the point where my tentativeness is becoming mental and I need a little push to get off my duff and onto the cardio wagon, but considering this is Recovery Week, I'm going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and a little extra time for healing. Cardio Intervals is a fairly light cardio routine without much hopping or jumping, so I felt it was an appropriate selection for the day. It should raise my heart rate a little and provide a fairly low impact workout.

And the workout provided exactly what I was looking for: a decent sweat, an increased heart-rate, good range of motion, lots of twisting exercises, squats, knee bending, balance moves, some shoulders, core and leg work. It's not Insanity by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a reasonable workout which is of similar (40 minute) length. I'll continue to baby myself this week, then ratchet up the intensity commencing Week 9.

Round 6: Day 50: Yoga

It's funny how I always feel like I could use a stretch, but perhaps it's my age creeping up on me. Since I've started exercising regularly (about 2 years ago), I feel that I've been able to turn back the hands of time. I'm more limber than ever before, and there's not too much cracking and popping in my joints. Nevertheless, I can always benefit from some stretching.

The other day, a friend was commenting on the spiritual aspects of yoga, how it's much more than just exercising. I'm trying to take that to heart by really focussing on my breathing throughout the various postures. Patience yoga is a good DVD to focus on breathing, because each posture is held for a fairly long period of time. I completely zoned out during the session; I have no idea where my mind went. Before I knew it, I was on my back, doing shavasana, and deep breathing.

Great start to Recovery Week.