Friday, June 26, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Interim Thoughts

This concludes my second round of my P90X journey. I should say, instead of "concludes", that this is more of a stop-over on my trip. The stay was pleasant; now, on to another location.

I've decided that I'll take a week for recovery (do some cardio, yoga, stretching), then get into P90X Plus. I'm looking forward to continuing that journey. This blog has been helpful to sort out my feelings, allowing me space to vent occasionally, and to journal how my search for personal improvement has proceeded. I'll probably continue with the journal when P90X Plus starts, and add new categories for the new workouts.

In terms of achievement, I haven't noticed dramatic changes on the scale. Overall, I lost about 6 lbs (this seems to fluctuate up and down daily). There has been a more noticeable difference in how my clothes fit, specifically my pants. I'm now down to a size 32 waist (started at 38) and generally, everything is looser and baggier. I'm expecting that P90X Plus will give me additional tone and I think that the focus on cardio will result in some additional weight loss.

I am doing this for me. It would be nice if others noticed my physical changes; few have, or few have commented. Some people think I'm crazy. Some people think I'm a loser for using a product from an infomercial. Those of us who have stuck with the P90X system know that it works and that it can change your outlook about yourself and on life. I don't know whether I've inspired anyone. I do know that I feel better now than I have felt since High School. I'm much happier with my life now than I was 9 months ago (in spite of the recession). In a few months, I'll be 49. I have achieved my goal of being in shape; now, I want to see how far I can push my body to be in the best shape of my life. I'm not afraid of aging. If you are active, if you take care of yourself, if you eat clean, if you don't poison your body, you can set yourself up to be your best. Daily exercise and proper nutrition is now part of my life. Life starts now.

Thanks, Tony.

bring it!

P90X: Round 2: Day 90: Yoga X

The title today is misleading. I had every intention of finishing up Round 2 with Yoga X, but decided last minute to substitute Fountain of Youth instead. I just wasn't up to the full 92 minutes of Yoga X. Not a great way to go out, but at least I did the workout.

And a great workout it was. I was super-intense on every move. Even on crescent pose. I had great focus on the details: straightening the rear leg, breathing, straight arms, and stayed in the present the entire time. I can't believe how quickly the workout went. It almost (almost) made me sorry I didn't do the fully Yoga X. I really like this workout because Tony delivers more instruction regarding how the move should be executed and what is to be considered. This results in a good workout in less time. The carry-over benefit is that you can take that knowledge and transfer it back to Yoga X. It's all good.

Favourite move today: right angle pose.

Toughest move today: downward dog, grabbing rear ankle.

Tony line of the day: "Just keep doing it."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 89: Core Synergistics

Ahhh, the last day of Core Synergistics. The end of Round 2 is so close I can smell it. Or perhaps, I was smelling myself, as I worked out in the early morning in 26°C temperature, without the benefit of air conditioning. Again, as on Monday, I was drenched in sweat. I'd like to attribute that to my hard effort, rather than the workout environmental conditions.

I was somewhat concerned that the quality of the workout would be diminished by my now-improving hip injury suffered on Monday. The only exercise affected was Banana Rolls. Rolling onto my left hip was a bit painful, but I gingerly managed to succeed.

A modest improvement today over Monday's workout was the Plank to Chaturanga Run. I managed to get in my running during chaturanga. The result of that was that I needed to take an additional break, and immediately paused the disc prior to walking pushups. A reasonable reward for having done so well during Plank to Chaturanga Run, I'd say.

Of special note is my attempt throughout the workout to engage the core. When focussing on that objective, the exercises definitely become more difficult. Tony alludes to that several times during the workout.

I find this workout challenging and rewarding. It has not been my favourite workout, but it has grown on me over time.

Favourite move today: one arm balance pushups. I wish this exercise lasted 2 minutes.

Toughest move today: Plank to Chaturanga Run.

Tony line of the day: "Make everything count: every move, every minute, every exercise..."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 88: X Stretch

I was really looking forward to stretching today, because I felt that my body needed an extra stretch following the bicycle incident two days ago. I've been applying calendula cream to the affected areas and so far, they seem to be responding nicely. I haven't been as sore or stiff as I thought I would be, perhaps a testament to conditioning, perhaps calendula. Who knows. I do know that I haven't been prevented from Bringing It during the workouts. The real test will come tomorrow, when Core Synergistics returns for the last time during this round.

X Stretch moves at an easy, relaxed pace. It starts with the head, and finishes with the feet, encompassing the entire body over the course of an hour. I find the stretches to be easy and restful, and am mindful of maintaining good form and concentrating on breathing. I don't break a sweat during this workout. Many of the moves are from the warmup and cool-down exercises found in the other videos; some are unique to this video. At the end of the workout, I'm calm, flexible and relaxed. It's not as good a stretch as Yoga X, but not nearly as intense. And besides, no shavasana or ohms at the end.

Favourite move today: hamstring stretch series. The hamstrings are the tightest part of my body, and these moves are helpful.

Toughest move today: camel. Slightly uncomfortable.

Tony line of the day: "This is Pam. We call her Blam."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 87: Kenpo X

I had a mishap while riding home from the office yesterday: I blew out my front tire while rounding a corner and took a spill, slightly injuring my left hip. I was a bit sore, but applied ice upon arriving at home and I'll be able to carry on with my workouts.

Which brings me to Kenpo, the last time this round. I wasn't sure how I'd be able to handle the kicks, so I paid extra attention to the Saunders Cycle stretches, to ensure that whatever attention my left hip and leg required, they would receive it. It was actually one of the better warmup sessions I've had with Kenpo. I learned that one should always maintain focus, even (especially) when warming up. The first series of rotations and punches (hook-uppercut) with the left leg forward were a bit painful, as they require rotation of the left hip; however, those exercises served to warm up my hip more, allowing more flexibility, and set me up for the kicks.

I moved somewhat gingerly through the kick sequence to start, but felt no pain, so I was really able to Bring It. The exercises moved quickly, and overall, it was a terrific workout. I even cycled into work, pain-free. I'll say that being in shape probably helped me get through this fall by making me less vulnerable and more durable. At least, that's the story I'll be sticking to.

Favourite move today: high sword, low hammer.

Toughest move today: side kicks, left leg.

Tony line of the day: "Knees up, c'mon...knees up, c'mon...knees up, c'mon..."

Looking forward to a good stretch tomorrow.

Monday, June 22, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 86: Core Synergistics

This has been a workout that, typically, I don't look forward to or enjoy. Today brought 1 out of 2. I didn't particularly look forward to doing the workout; however, I did enjoy it.

I probably don't look forward to this workout because it occurs only 6 times during the course of a round of P90X. I realize that's more than Chest and Back, and Back and Biceps, and so on, but it seems like the exception, rather than the rule. Also, Dreya is in it. She appears in more workouts than anyone other than Tony, and seems to have a bit of an attitude. It's likely jealousy in me. She could probably kick my butt.

Anyhow, I really got into the mood today (Dreya notwithstanding). The exercises move quickly and are demanding. I find myself breathing deeply and rapidly. I worked up more sweat than Plyometrics, although my overall level of exhaustion is greater in Plyo than in Core Synergistics. Still, the amount of sweat was impressive. Again, I don't know whether to attribute that to the weather and temperature, or my intensity. I'll stick with the latter (if somewhat self-delusional).

There are a series of exercises which I find really take it out of me: plank to chatarunga run, followed by walking push-ups. These two in combination are a killer (in a good way). Now, I'm looking forward to Thursday, when I'll do this workout for the last time this Round.

Favourite move today: sphinx push-ups. Had unusual success today, and could have done more, time permitting.

Toughest move today: plank to chatarunga run. Wow.

Tony line of the day: "He makes Gumby look like the Tin Man."

P90X: Round 2: Day 85: Yoga X

Start of Week 13; return to Yoga X. Having had the Fountain of Youth experience, I've returned to my yoga roots with Yoga X. Don't get me wrong; I really enjoyed Fountain of Youth and learned a lot about focus and technique from it. I merely prefer the longer workout Yoga X offers. The more time you have, the more work you can do. If you put in the effort, you'll see the results.

So, up early (6:45AM on a weekend, Father's Day, no less) and completed the workout by 8:30AM. Either I'm more intense these days, or it's the warmer weather, but my body's working up a tremendous sweat. It was rolling off my forearms onto my hands, then onto my palms, making downward dog more challenging, because I found my hands slipping a bit. Next time, I'll put a towel over my mat and see if that's an improvement. I certainly hope so, as I don't particularly relish the notion of sliding around on my mat for 5 months.

I felt more flexible today than I have recently, probably because I did Yoga X last week and got a good, full stretch. It's amazing to me how much more flexible I've become in the past 6 months than I was before. Yoga will now be a part of my life.

Favourite move today: yoga belly 7. Brought It.

Toughest move today: twisting half-moon. Had some balance issues, on both legs.

Tony line of the day: "It will help with your strength, balance, flexibility and coordination."