Monday, June 22, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 85: Yoga X

Start of Week 13; return to Yoga X. Having had the Fountain of Youth experience, I've returned to my yoga roots with Yoga X. Don't get me wrong; I really enjoyed Fountain of Youth and learned a lot about focus and technique from it. I merely prefer the longer workout Yoga X offers. The more time you have, the more work you can do. If you put in the effort, you'll see the results.

So, up early (6:45AM on a weekend, Father's Day, no less) and completed the workout by 8:30AM. Either I'm more intense these days, or it's the warmer weather, but my body's working up a tremendous sweat. It was rolling off my forearms onto my hands, then onto my palms, making downward dog more challenging, because I found my hands slipping a bit. Next time, I'll put a towel over my mat and see if that's an improvement. I certainly hope so, as I don't particularly relish the notion of sliding around on my mat for 5 months.

I felt more flexible today than I have recently, probably because I did Yoga X last week and got a good, full stretch. It's amazing to me how much more flexible I've become in the past 6 months than I was before. Yoga will now be a part of my life.

Favourite move today: yoga belly 7. Brought It.

Toughest move today: twisting half-moon. Had some balance issues, on both legs.

Tony line of the day: "It will help with your strength, balance, flexibility and coordination."

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