Friday, December 11, 2009

Round 4: Day 55: Yoga

Yoga is a nice way to wrap up Recovery Week. There's not much to be said about the benefits of yoga that hasn't already been cheerfully related in previous entries. My daughter noticed that today's workout (Fountain of Youth from the One on One with Tony Horton series) didn't finish up with Shavasana. True enough, and an egregious oversight, in my humble opinion. From now on, whenever I happen to be doing this workout, I will finish up with Shavasana. There's something about that pose (lying on the back, completely relaxed, mind empty, enjoying the present moment) that mentally and physically wraps up a good yoga session. I suppose that Tony didn't include it in the workout because he was running a little behind the clock, already having extended a 40-minute session into a 47-minute session. I guess he felt that one more minute would have been too much.

I still have one more abdominal workout to make up from last week; perhaps I'll be able to do it later this afternoon.

This ends Recovery Week. I'll get my son to take the traditional photos of me on Sunday, being a poser. I'm looking forward to pounding the weights again next week, when Week 9 commences.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Round 4: Day 54: Mammoth UML

Not being in the mood for either Core Synergistics or Medicine Ball Core Cardio, I decided that the time was right for an overall body workout and selected Mammoth UML (from the One on One with Tony Horton series) to do the job.

I've only done this workout once before, and recall losing energy towards the end, especially when Tony does jump-knee-tucks as the last move and spontaneously decides to throw in an additional 10 leaps, just for fun, of course.

Today's workout was not as exerting as before, and I had no problems keeping up with Tony (although I did fall behind during oblique V-ups for some reason - likely the added weight of wearing shoes). I had a good overall workout, although I didn't get too sweaty, and would rate this as a reasonable workout to pursue during a Recovery Week. I like the range of exercises that Tony employs, and enjoy the variety of upper-middle-lower exercises during each set. There's no chance for boredom during this workout as a result.

The most challenging moves for me remain the "middle" moves: those that specifically target the abdominal region. I'm not used to doing these types of exercises wearing shoes, and I found the additional weight made a slight difference. Also, mostly 30 reps were done, which is more than I'm used to. On the other hand, my abdominal region could use the extra hit.

The upper (arm) and lower (leg) exercises were varied and interesting. Most of the upper moves consist of some variety of push-up, but there are enough styles of push-up in Tony's repetoire to keep things moving along nicely, without completely burning out the shoulders or arms.

Overall, a satisfying experience, and Tony was relaxed, informative and in good humour. It's also nice seeing him in another environment (the workout takes place in a hotel room adjacent to a ski hill) and he's forced to use his imagination to provide a workout routine which doesn't employ any specialized equipment: only what's immediately on hand is used (chair, sofa, boots), demonstrating that one can pursue a decent workout wherever one happens to be. That's important information to have, because you don't always find yourself in a fully equipped gym. Sometimes, it will be just you and gravity.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Round 4: Day 53: X Stretch

While definitely not my favourite workout, X Stretch is nevertheless an important component of Recovery Week. I never break a sweat, which is a nice break in itself, and I do admire the organized way in which stretches are employed: you stretch all your body parts (use your imagination) starting from the head and moving downward to the toes.

For some reason, Phil, standing to the rear in the video, is not my favourite participant. He's very limber, but Tony has him modifying many of the moves. Also, he seems to have attitude. Perhaps I just have an attitude about him.

Also, the music during this workout reminds me of an outdoor skating rink during the 1960s. The use of light, pop-like organ tunes is a combination of amusing and annoying. I didn't check to see whether there is the option of playing the DVD without the music, but I'll definitely be looking for that option the next time I use this workout.

In all, the workout was effective: I got a good stretch and I now feel relaxed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Round 4: Day 52: Super Cardio

This being Recovery Week, I decided not to up the ante by doubling up Super Cardio with another cardio workout. At first, that seemed like a good idea; following the workout, I realized that I didn't push myself hard enough. I'm still suffering from the last round of this workout comprising Kenpo moves, which allow my heart rate to drop and my body to cool off prior to completing the workout. That is the great shortcoming of this workout.

I should probably use Interval X Plus more frequently. The problem with that is that I've come to enjoy the variety that my current program offers and don't really want to do some workouts more frequently. That's starting to drive a decision to purchase the Insanity workout. I'm afraid of Insanity; I hear that it's about the toughest cardio workout around. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it. On the other hand, I was also afraid of the P90X videos, then the P90X Plus workouts, then the One on One workouts. It's probably just fear of the unknown. If I want to take my fitness to the next level, perhaps I should be giving Insanity further investigation and eventually take the plunge. I have a number of weeks left in this Round to ponder my decision.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Round 4: Day 51: Core Synergystics

Core Synergystics is usually a difficult workout for me. There are a number of exercises which are relatively easy, but there are some combinations which are very challenging.

I blew through the exercises today and felt strong during most of them. The most challenging sequence begins with Prison Cell Push-ups and ends with Walking Push-ups. Specifically, my nemesis is Chataranga Run followed by Walking Push-ups. I did both without pause and, although the walking pushups were a challenge, I continually told myself that anything can be done for 30 seconds, and persevered. The sweat dripped from my forehead onto the wooden floor (I hope that's not too much information) and my core was tight and on fire, but I survived the ordeal and emerged stronger for having pushed through it. After that sequence, the rest of the workout is relatively easy.

I don't recall Core Synergystics being quite this easy before. It's another sign that my body (and core) is becoming stronger. It's nice to compare and contrast my current experiences with those of a year ago and enjoy the satisfaction of how far I've progressed.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Round 4: Day 50: Yoga / Ab Ripper X

Day 50 has a nice sound to it. After a week of mediocre performance, I was looking forward to a stronger attitude this week. Unfortunately, this week is Recovery Week, and, although the DVDs have the "Bring It" reminder, yoga doesn't really fall into that category, as I am mostly contemplative, and focussed on stretching, clearing my mind and breathing. Nevertheless, it was a good workout. I felt a little tight in my lower back on my left side yesterday, and, as a result, was looking forward to today's stretches, hoping for some small measure of relief. Wish granted. Following yoga, and to this point in the day, my back feels completely fine, with no traces of residual soreness or pain remaining.

Since I missed my ab workouts last week, I decided to make them up this week, in spite of Recovery Week. Last Friday (Day 48) I did Killer Abs upon my return home from the office; today, I just completed Ab Ripper X, done in concert to classic rock tunes playing from my nearby computer. There's a great way to take your mind off your stomach. With two make-up workouts now complete, I only have one remaining, which I'll take care of on Tuesday.
