Thursday, April 2, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 12: Legs and Back

Again, like last week, I had some difficulties with today's workout. I've been trying to keep up with Tony and the kids but I find that this workout moves just slightly too fast for me. Today, I kept pace until the first break; after that, I paused the workout twice to catch my breath, hydrate and towel off. If the Tip of the Day is "Form over Numbers", then taking the breaks was a good idea, as they allowed me to regroup mentally and physically and exert a stronger overall effort.

I've been reading on the P90X Facebook site that people generally don't see much visual improvement in their legs. At this time, I see noticeable definition when I flex. When I don't flex, they just look reasonably toned. Overall, I can't complain, but I suppose there's always room for improvement.

Favourite move today: Calf Raises. I use 10lb weights during this exercise and really enjoy the three positions and blasting the last 10 repetitions.

Hardest move today: Balance Lunges. Right off the bat, this exercise destroyed my glutes. I'm looking forward to recovering in three days.

Tony line of the day: "I think I ripped my pants" (during warmup stretches)

Later today: Ab Ripper X

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