Friday, March 27, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 6: Kenpo X

Kenpo X is a strange workout for me because the punches and kicks are so foreign. I've never taken any sort of martial arts class (heck, I've never been in a fight in my life!) so I have no idea of how my body should be moving during any of these moves, with the exception of running in place during the breaks.

The challenge for me is to watch the moves closely and to try to emulate what's going on on-screen. This has taken some time and there are still some moves which are a bit questionable, such as Star Blocks. This move has me waving my arms up and down like an idiot. I can do all the blocks individually, but put them together? Forget it. At this point, the cardio aspect of Kenpo drops precipitously.

Having said that, I do find the workout to be enjoyable overall and challenging, the kicks in particular. My legs don't have that much flexibility, so I find raising my leg high on side and rear kicks to be difficult. Improving those moves is an objective of mine in this workout.

Favourite move today: high sword, low hammer. I just like the rhythm and movement of this move, combined with a deep, lateral lunge.

Most difficult move: believe it or not, there's a move in the warm-up where you turn laterally over your straight, outstretched leg while in a deep squat position, which I find quite straining on the ol' hamstring. Following Legs and Back yesterday, the hamstrings and glutes were complaining a bit today, especially during that warmup move.

Tomorrow I'll take a rest day, so no post. This ends week 1. All in all, a pretty good week.

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