Tuesday, March 24, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 3: Shoulders & Arms

Doing this exercise at 6:00AM is not easy. I even found the warmup to be tiring, but eventually got in the mood. I really like most of these exercises and didn't have too much difficulty matching my results from a few weeks ago. I even increased the resistance level on a few.

This is one of the workouts where I feel that it would be more beneficial to be using free weights rather than resistance bands. On some of the exercises, such as In & Out Bicep Curls, the black plastic component which restrains the end of the resistance band bangs against my wrist, creating some discomfort. The exercise is tough enough without having to endure some additional pain due to equipment design.

Favourite exercise today: Side Tri-Rises. I was able to do 22 per side on the first round, 25 per side on the second. My shoulders and triceps felt really great today.

Most difficult: Flip-Grip Twist Tricep Kickbacks. The triceps weren't the only thing getting kicked today. I used a red band and had a lot of difficulty keeping my elbows high and steady while my arms rotated back. I also found Lying Down Tricep Extensions a bit tough. My form was off on the last few extensions, which resulted in more of a shoulder press than a tricep extension. I'll have to concentrate on form a bit more.

Later today: Ab Ripper X

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