Wednesday, March 25, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 3: Ab Ripper X

I got to this after work. I find I don't have the energy to to Abs right after the principal exercise so I split up my workouts on Ab days and do Abs either right when I return from work or about 1.5h after supper.

This workout was terrific. I managed to complete the bonus round of Mason Twists, so I kept up with the kids and did all 349 moves. I'm really pleased that I can keep up again so early in the program. Now I can focus on improving my form and engaging my core muscles.

Hardest move: crunchy frog. Had some minor issues with balance. I'm trying to keep my chest up higher, which engages the core more intensively, but found myself leaning back a little father than I'd like.

Favourite move: Oblique V-ups. Legs were straight and I was really getting them high in the air. Very satisfying.

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