An off-topic comment first: last Friday afternoon, I went for a run with my daughter for the first time ever. She's now 18 and has told me frequently that she hates running. For someone who hates running, she exhibited nice form and admirable endurance. She chalked up the form to her gym teacher, who sports a Gillian Michaels-like intensity for all things athletic; endurance, she attributed to me. It's nice to know that the old man can still push the young punks. To top it off, I was running wearing my Vibram Five Fingers. This was the first time I've run in those minimalist shoes, and it was pure joy. I've been wearing minimalist shoes at the office for months now, and my walking gait has adjusted to ensure that I have a mid-foot or fore-foot strike each step I take. Running in a similar manner required very little adjustment. I'm going to try to make our run a weekly event.
On-topic now, I tackled P90X's Chest and Back workout. I may have said this before (I don't make it a habit to read my archived posts, so please forgive me if I'm repeating myself) but I have a real fondness for this workout for several reasons: it's the first P90X workout I ever did; and it's a workout where I've perhaps shown the greatest amount of improvement.
I felt really energetic during the workout, and increased the number of reps on standard pushups from 30 each round to 35. I also increased my weight on heavy pants and lawnmowers. It's a great feeling knowing that there's still room for improvement. I'll likely increase my reps on military pushups next time around, having reached 30 each round and still feeling that there's gas left in the tank.
Great start to Week 3.
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