Friday, July 17, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 13: Kenpo/Cardio Plus

Ahhh, the end of week 2. I love Fridays when another week of the program is behind me, and there's a rest day ahead. Remember last week, when I promised I would review the Kenpo/Cardio DVD during the week so I wouldn't be so weak during the exercises? Didn't happen. I was too busy with social activities, I'm pleased to say. So, I approached this DVD today with a tinge of regret and fear that I'd still be ridiculously uncoordinated. I'm happy to report, that I did improve in some of the exercises; not at all in others.

I still find some of the arm/leg combinations difficult to master: elbow/sword/back kick comes to mind. Also, Gladiator. OK with one side, not happening with the other. And what's with the twirling sword/hammers? They make me dizzy. Perhaps they're supposed to strengthen your core. Aren't there alternatives to this move?

Perhaps I gripe too much. The workout is still a good one, with lots of flying sweat and heavy breathing (in the not-so-good way). The workout moves quickly and, as the exercises are repeated (like interval training), the moves will come, followed by improvements in form.

End of Week 2. Next: Week 3 starts.

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