Thursday, May 28, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 68: Legs and Back

This was a great workout today. I'm still feeling stressed from a major presentation coming up on Monday, and had lots of nervous energy to burn. Legs and Back is the perfect workout for burning nervous energy. It's non-stop work: 2 hits on the legs, then pullups; then repeat that pattern. I like the mixture of circuit training (pullups) with straight exercising (legs) this program achieves. The design of this program is unlike all the others, which are either straight series of exercises or circuit training. The blend is nice.

I ran through the entire workout today without any pausing of the disk. I'm not sure, but I believe that's the first time I've done that. The second half of the workout, which I find easier than the first, wasn't as easy when there's no pausing of the disc.

I've been diligently taking my home-brewed recovery formula, and since the weather's been rainy lately, I haven't ridden my bike in the past few days. We'll see whether that makes a difference in my overall energy level today.

Favourite move today: calf raises.

Toughest move today: balance lunges.

Tony line of the day: "Find your intensity level."

Later: Ab Ripper X

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