Tuesday, May 26, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 66: Back and Biceps

This is one workout where dumbbells would be helpful. It would be nice to know exactly how much weight is being curled and coloured resistance bands, while somewhat informative, don't provide full information. It's because of workouts like this that I'm interested in picking up a set of PowerBlocks. Some day, hopefully. Until then, I stretch the bands.

My complaint in using the bands for these exercises is threefold: one, the actual "weight" used is unknown. It's all feel. Two, the posture assumed when using the bands is different from that used for curling dumbbells, which I believe is a little tougher on the back. When using the bands, legs are about shoulder distant (or more) apart, but even with each other; when using dumbbells, frequently one leg is slightly in front of the other and legs are slightly bent. Three, the handles of the bands press against my wrists a bit when my fist is near my shoulder at the top of the curling motion. This creates some discomfort. That wouldn't happen with dumbbells.

At any rate, the workout went OK. I don't break too much of a sweat during this routine, but my arms are still exhausted afterward. Overall, pretty reasonable.

Favourite move today: one-arm cross-body curls. This move feels good.

Toughest move today: in-out hammer curls. Hard to do, especially with bands, and this late in the workout.

Tony line of the day: "I've lost track...of life."

Later: Ab Ripper X

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