Sunday, May 10, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 50: Yoga X

Sundays are my first day of a workout week, which present pros and cons. On the pro side, I get to sleep in and start my workout when it's convenient; on the con side, because I sleep in, it rarely feels convenient to start a workout. The fairly strict timing of the weekday workouts gives me more motivation to Bring It than the leisurely start of a Sunday. So, today's workout did not start with a bang, especially since the Yoga workout is 92 minutes in length, rather than the usual 60. I consoled myself by considering that, with all the pausing of the tape, it usually takes me close to the same 92 minutes to complete the Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout.

I felt rather stiff this morning, and the first few stretches didn't do much to alleviate that feeling. I settled into the workout anyway, expecting that this would be one of those workouts which you just slog your way through to completion. There was a little bit of that during the moving sequences, but eventually, I managed to find my rhythm and carry on. About the first half of the moving options were somewhat uncomfortable; after that, things smoothed out a bit. Overall, not the best workout ever, but decent, I'd say. This is the start of week 8, Recovery Week. Perhaps I really need it.

Favourite move today: Royal Dancer. Really settled into the move nicely, with a strong, straight leg supporting me.

Toughest move today: The Warrior 3 sequences. I just didn't really feel too stretchy.

Tony line of the day: "Just do your best and....what you guys? [silence for about 5 seconds from everyone else] Forget the rest."

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