Thursday, May 7, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 47: Legs and Back

On Legs and Back days, I have to awaken extra early because my son has to be at school 1h earlier than other days. As a result, I feel a bit stressed about having to jump out of bed immediately, pop in the disc and start working straightaway. It's hard enough warming up a completely cold body, but doing it even earlier, and under a strict time constraint to finish by a certain time, is a bit more stressful than I'd like. Fortunately, that requirement will end around the time I finish Round 2.

I find the first few exercises in this workout, and the first half of the workout in general, to be quite tough. I look forward to the second half of the workout, because I find it a bit easier, and it feels sort of like a downhill sprint to the finish. If some of the first half exercises, such as balance lunges, wall squats, and single-leg wall squats were located in the second half of the workout, I doubt I would be able to do them. Tony has designed the workout well.

I think today was the first time I have done the entire workout without pausing the disc. The indicator that things were going well was during wall squats, when I achieved a solid, 90° angle with the wall and felt great throughout the 90 seconds. Most of the exercises went extremely well. I pushed for good form on step-back lunges and toe-roll-iso lunges, and worked up a really good sweat. Perhaps the cycling I've been doing recently has lent a bit of extra oomph to my legs. I've usually felt pretty satisfied with this workout, but today I felt like I really topped it.

Favourite move today: toe-roll-iso-lunge. Really deep lunges, used weights, good form.

Toughest move today: single leg wall squats. Got through it, but there's still room for improvement. Can you raise your leg higher?

Tony line of the day: "Where'd you feel that? BOOTY!"

Later: Ab Ripper X

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