Monday, May 4, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 44: Plyometrics

I woke up this morning feeling rather refreshed and got to Plyo a bit earlier than usual. I felt pretty well during the warmup, although I have been noticing that during the lunge sequence, my left leg is a little less flexible and somewhat weaker than my right leg. I first noticed that during the Legs and Back workout. At first, my left leg was rather significantly weaker than my right but, over time, the workouts have strengthened it. I'd like to reach the point where both legs are equal in strength. There's still work to be done.

The first few sequences went very well. Once I get into the workout, I really enjoy it. Today, I felt particularly strong (is it the recovery drink?) and, as a result, decided to try to jump extra high and focus on form. I really got airborne during the 180° run stance squat jumps (I don't know if that's the exact name, but it comes near the end of the workout), using wide feet. Major air, and landed like a cat. I felt tremendous energy during that sequence, especially when I repeated it. A great day for Bringing It. I was so energetic, I decided to ride my bike to the office afterwards.

Favourite move today: 180° run stance squat switch jumps (or whatever you call them!)

Toughest move today: leapfrog squats. I'm trying to get really low in my squat (look at the difference between Tony and the kids: he's incredibly low, whereas the others are just mildly into their squats) and I'm experiencing major leg burn, especially on the repeat.

Tony line of the day: "Modify, modify if you need to...otherwise, rock 'n roll."

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