Wednesday, May 6, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 46: Yoga X

Today was the official start of the 2nd half of Round 2. As I've been going through this round, I've been wondering what I'm going to do when I finish. A third round of P90X? P90X+? One on One with Tony Horton? Some combination of the three? I've been monitoring comments on P90X Facebook sites, trying to gather information to assist in making my decision. Yesterday, I decided to pick up the P90X+ discs, which intermingle with the P90X discs already in my possession, for a new workout for Round 3. Maybe after that, I'll get into One on One. Who knows. I hear that the P90X+ discs are a bit shorter in length (about 45 minutes) but the exercises are faster paced, with fewer breaks, resulting in a more intense workout and heightening muscle confusion. We'll see. My only concern is that I still don't have any place to mount a pull-up bar, so I'll have to continue using the resistance bands with the door attachment. I'd also like to pick up a set of adjustable dumbbells, and perhaps some push-up stands. Again, we'll see.

This morning, Yoga was wonderful, as usual. I felt a bit stiff during the opening sequences, especially in the hamstrings. That may be a result of cycling to and from the office. I don't usually stretch prior to my ride home (all uphill), but perhaps I should do a split leg hamstring stretch on each side before hopping on the bike. I'll try that today.

Because I felt a bit stiff today, I decided to really focus on my breathing, as I thought I might have some difficulty holding the poses. What a difference. Focussing on breathing really made the entire workout much easier to get through. I'm going to do that each time I do Yoga now. Again, as in the past, the workout went really quickly. I can't believe where the time goes.

Minor victories today: In Warrior 3, I grabbed my leg with both hands for a bigger stretch for the first time. I also managed to get into Wheel again, and held it for about 15 seconds, before going back to Bridge. That was a gain of a few seconds over last week. As next week is a Recovery Week, I'll have 2 opportunities to try to improve.

Favourite move today: crane (again). A solid 60 seconds, plus a few bonus seconds after, just to show off. Like a rock.

Toughest move(s) today: Yoga Belly 7. Really tried to Bring It, especially the deep angled leg hold poses.

Tony line of the day: "You can even turn your head to the left, because all the pain and agony is on the right, and you don't want to look." (Yoga Belly 7)

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