Thursday, April 30, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 40: Legs and Back

I've been watching The Biggest Loser show where seriously overweight, out-of-shape contestants go through boot camp hell with a couple of trainers and lose a ridiculous amount of weight (100+ lbs) in an equally ridiculous short period of time (16 weeks). Although I think that this approach to fitness and weight loss is not particularly sound, it does make for inspiring success stories. This week, a contestant named Filipe was voted off the show and left with one of the most incredible personal messages, which I paraphrase here: "I can't inspire everyone, everywhere; but maybe I can inspire someone, somewhere." His whole monologue is worth copying down and posting up on the wall to consult daily. When I heard him speak, I stood up, cheered, and clapped.

I'm beginning to understand that the pursuit of P90X is essentially a selfish one: It's all about ME. I want to lose weight; I want to lose fat; I want to look better; I want to feel younger; I want diamonds of get the idea. If I happen to inspire others, fine. To be honest, no-one has really noticed much change in me, except perhaps for my family, although that's probably because I'm in their collective faces about Tony and X-ing it up all the time. Perhaps it's my loose shirts, covering up those guns and diamonds of gold, concealing earth-shattering personal results. At any rate, I continue, bruised ego notwithstanding. That's the thing about the X: we keep pushing play regardless.

Today was no exception. I was really looking forward to Legs and Back, especially since I've started cycling into the office. I was interested in seeing whether my legs would be beaten up from the additional extracurricular work or whether they would be raring to go. Today, it was the latter. I couldn't wait to complete one exercise and move on to the next. I wasn't waiting for the pauses between exercises to listen to instruction; I knew what to do and immediately attacked with vigour, using the precious extra seconds to bang out some additional reps.

I had so much energy today. Perhaps it's the cycling, perhaps the recovery drink, perhaps just a state of mind. No matter. I really left it all out on the floor today. I was even seriously considering cycling into the office following the workout, but I've heard there will be a serious rainshower today. Just the thing to dampen (pun intended) my enthusiasm for a little additional push on the legs.

Usually, I pause the tape several times during this workout. Not today. It all just flowed smoothly and beautifully. Great workout. Great sweat.

Favourite move today: rocking toe iso lunges. Used 10lb weights, got really low in the lunge, straight back leg, great burn.

Toughest move today: single leg wall squats. Will this ever be easy?

Tony line of the day: "These are HARD." (single leg wall squats) No kidding.

Later: Ab Ripper X

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