I find this to be the most difficult of all the workouts, including Plyometrics. I still find some exercises very difficult in this workout. I can do them all (except for the insanely difficult clapping pushups, where I can crank out perhaps 3, but choose to do wide hands and feet pushups instead); it's just that some of the moves are really challenging. I pause this workout more than any other, hydrate more frequently, and take longer breaks. This makes a 1h workout last about 1.25h.
Today, I didn't even feel like working out. This feeling hasn't happened too frequently during P90X, but occasionally, I feel that way. The thought of skipping a workout due to lack of motivation never crosses my mind. I always start up the disk and bravely soldier on, usually with satisfactory results. Today was no exception. I was able to improve my numbers in some small, but meaningful ways. Most of the numbers remained static from last week; however, there were some minor victories, such as in one-arm balance push-ups and pike presses. Nice improvements in those two.
Favourite move today: side-to-side pushups. I managed 15, the same as last week, but I really felt that the last 3 burned.
Toughest move today: weighted circles. Only one set in each direction, using 10lb weights, before my arms sagged and I lost all sense of form. This is a really difficult exercise for me, especially since it's near the end of the workout.
Tony line of the day: "I don't like it when Phil is funnier than me." (cool down)
Ab Ripper X
I didn't get around to working abs until around 9:30 PM, well past suppertime. I don't like working out this late, because I'm usually pretty fatigued, but with other commitments today, I wasn't able to scratch together 16 minutes in a row for myself. Too much assistance with homework, shopping, looking after household requirements. All the joys of fatherhood and married life. Then, when all has become quiet, burn those abs.
My wife suggested that I skip ARX today. WHAT?! That's the time when you have to show up and push play. I advised her that she should never suggest skipping a workout to a dedicated Xer.
The workout went pretty well, in spite of general fatigue. I still felt my meal partway up my abdomen (not a good feeling, especially during heels to heaven) but I managed to complete the entire set, matching moves with Tony and the kids.
Favourite move today: Heels to heaven. Felt strong today.
Toughest move today: VF Rollups. Form suffered a bit on the roll-up.
Tony line of the day: "Let's climb our legs."
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