Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Round 4: Day 87: Kenpo Cardio Plus

This can be an invigorating workout, depending upon how much effort you put into it. Today, I put a lot of effort in, and was rewarded by working up a great sweat and developing a nice, warm feeling in my arms and legs.

I enjoy the pacing of this workout. There's never really a break for the entire 35 minutes. The breaks between sets are filled with running in place, jumping jacks, and a type of backwards hammer move while pivoting on alternating feet. There are four moves in each set, which run immediately one after the other. If you invest energy into the exercises, you can get your heart rate reasonably high and keep it there. This is a major improvement over the original Kenpo X, which suffered from the block sequences.

This is a good workout for a Recovery Week. It moves quickly and is fun. I'm going to keep it in this location during the next Round.

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