Monday, January 18, 2010

Round 4: Day 86: Core Synergistics

Core Synergistics was the workout I missed last week when I was ill. "Missed", not in the sense of yearned for, but in the sense of "was absent". I wouldn't ever say that I miss this workout, like I would miss 30-15, or Chest and Back. This workout still challenges, in that it is quick-paced and very focussed. I definitely had an elevated heart rate, and the sweat was rolling.

I don't do this workout frequently enough to really see improvements. There are small improvements certainly, but I don't believe I've ever felt that I was so fit that I just breezed through the entire workout and was left with the feeling that I wished there was more. I'm always really happy when this workout ends, because I doubt there's ever enough gas left in the tank to really attack another round. I suppose that's a good thing, when, at the end of a workout, you've left everything on the floor.

Once again, my nemesis was the combination of Plank-to-Chataranga Run and Walking Pushups. That's just a nasty twosome. During the Walking Pushups, I took a page from the Plyometrics handbook, convincing myself that "you can do anything for 30 seconds". Unfortunately, the exercise is one minute in duration, so I had to convince myself twice. By the end of that exercise, my core is really sore. Objective achieved.

Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to Kenpo Cardio Plus as a break. Some Recovery Week.

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