Monday, January 18, 2010

Round 4: Day 85: Yoga

Due to a brief illness last week which resulted in my missing a couple of workouts during Recovery Week, I've decided to reset Week 13 and start it again. So, once more, Yoga.

I was speaking with a friend the other day, discussing all the negative comments I see on the internet about Yoga X, and yoga in general. My friend was incredulous, stating that there are three fitness objectives behind P90X: muscular strength and endurance; cardio strength and endurance; and flexibility. Yoga, obviously, is the key plank in the latter category. It seems ridiculous to me that someone might want to excel in the first two categories, while omitting the flexibility component. If you aren't flexible, I don't see how you can succeed in becoming stronger or more fit. Essentially, I am unyielding when it comes to practicing yoga: do it. Even it you don't succeed in achieving all the poses, keep at it. Eventually, over time, improvements will be realized. I suppose that's why yoga is called a practice, not a workout. Just keep at it, keep practicing. Like the piano lessons you hated to take.


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