Monday, September 21, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 71: Upper Plus

I missed yesterday's workout, so I'm going to try to compress the 6 day schedule into 5 days by doing doubles one day. That will likely be Wednesday, when I'll do Total Body Plus in the morning, followed by Yoga in the afternoon. That should square the schedule.

I didn't eat particularly well over the weekend. Actually, I ate well, I think I just exceeded the portion sizes on a regular basis. As a result, I didn't feel too well on Sunday evening. This morning, to my surprise, my weight had held steady. Nevertheless, I'm going to try to be more vigilant about the volume of food I'm consuming. I'm finding that if I feel hungry, a glass of water usually makes the hunger feeling go away. Sometimes, hunger is confused for thirst. It's a pretty good strategy to start off with a glass of water, and then see what message the body is sending.

Today's workout went pretty well. Some of my numbers dipped from last Thursday (only by one or so); others were slightly elevated. I'm starting to get a little bored by this workout, since I do it so often. On the other hand, I'm also starting to get excited about completing this Round. You can't have one without the other, it seems.

I'm now consistently running through the workout without pausing the DVD. Whatever my feelings are before the next exercise, they don't count, as I just suck it up and jump right into the work at hand. I believe that the pace of the workout is designed to keep the heart rate elevated and to prevent the body from recovering too much between exercises. After 10 weeks, I'm finally starting to catch on. Completing this workout is very satisfying, as a result.

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