Wednesday, September 23, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 73: Total Body Plus

OK, I've finally reached doubles day (as opposed to Doubleday, the man mythically connected to the creation of baseball). I started off with Total Body Plus this morning, and will stretch out this afternoon with some peaceful, yet intense, yoga. That seems like a civilized way to do doubles, and a nice end to what has turned out to be a fairly hectic day.

Total Body Plus has a long warm-up sequence (in excess of 9 minutes), parts of which I don't particularly care for. Part of the problem is that I work out in a fairly confined space in my basement, with a low ceiling. This prevents me from straightening my arm out over my head, which means that I don't derive the benefit of some of the warmup moves: sun salutations, walking lunges and cyclone, for example. If I could change locations for this workout, I'd be happy. Also, I don't like the speed of the sun salutations. I like to perform these in a slow, fluid way, without shoes on, and I'm not getting that from this warmup. I suppose a solution could be to do my own warmup and then jump into the workout. But, I basically turn off my mind when exercising and just do whatever Tony tells me, so I'm not about to tax my brain and start being a mentally competent, self-sufficient sentient being now. Too late.

In week 11, I still find this workout to be challenging, and enjoyable. Now, I'm enjoying the fairly rapid flow of the exercise sequences, and have managed to quickly scribble down my results while reaching for the next piece of equipment and preparing for the next move. It's rapid-fire for sure, but my heart rate doesn't really get any chance to precipitously drop, which is a recipe to keep the sweat flowing.

My favourite moves come near the end of the workout, when my body is really becoming fatigued: 3 & 3, 1 & 1, and spiderman jumps. Due to the low ceiling height, there's no jumping for me, so I modify the move by doing a maximum number of spiderman push-ups using the powerstands, making sure that my elbow is nearly touching my knee on each pushup. At that point, I'm squeezing out about 22 pushups in 1 minute, which, for an old guy like me, is pretty satisfying.

Soon, time to calm everything down with Yoga. Namaste.


P90x said...

When did it hit you that P90x was working for you. I mean significantly working for you , nit just because you were working out.

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