Monday, August 31, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 50: Chest & Back / Ab Ripper X

Chest & Back

I'm back.

I was away for awhile, enjoying some time off with the family during these waning days of summer. Whilst away, I was denied access to a DVD player and equipment for some time. During that time, I exercised outside, using some routines that I picked up from Mark Briggs' website ( which completely crushed my body (but not my spirit) and were as tough as any P90X routine. It took me about an hour to destroy myself, including warm-up and cool-down, and I ended up losing weight while away. That was quite a shock.

Upon my return, I had access to my discs and player, and completed the standard schedule for week 7 of P90X Plus. That brings me up to date, with the exception of day 1 of week 8, which I missed yesterday due to driving home from a wonderful weekend in Detroit. So, I'm a day off my regular schedule, but will try to make up an extra workout sometime this week by doing doubles.

I considered today as day 1 for week eight and didn't count my Mark Briggs workout week at all; hence, Day 50 on the schedule. Today brought Chest and Back, which I consider to be one of my favourite P90X routines. I haven't been feeling too well for the last couple of days, with a little sniffle and some congestion, but that wasn't enough for me to consider cancelling the workout. I was a little nervous about performance, because I was concerned that I've been losing some muscle and strength while doing the P90X Plus workouts. No need to have worried. I was able to match my numbers from the end of P90X Round 2 for push-ups and increase them slightly for pull-ups. I also had more energy, and was able to jump from one exercise to the next without taking breaks or pausing the DVD. Further, all push-ups (when possible) were done using the PowerStands, whereas previously, I did them without the benefit of stands. I guess that all the different varieties of push-ups from P90X Plus have been keeping my upper body in shape after all, which is a nice testament for the program.

Ab Ripper X

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