Wednesday, August 5, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 32: Yoga

I was so exhausted yesterday upon my return home from work that I didn't do abs. All I could do was eat a bit of supper, then rest in a prone position on my bed, watching my beloved Blue Jays fall to the hated and despised Yankees. I just felt completely drained of energy, and my stomach felt like it was acting up a bit, so I decided not to push it and hope for a full recovery for this morning.

Recover, I did. I felt like a bundle of pent-up energy this morning and really attacked yoga. Ah, Yoga: it's the fountain of youth, boys and girls. I didn't feel too stiff during the warmup, and really focussed on getting the maximum stretch from my arms, legs and hip flexors during the Crescent pose and Warrior positions. I was really into seeing how far I could stretch, breathing throughout, and watching for posture, making small adjustments as I went along. Is my back leg straight? Can I get lower in my pose? Can my arms go farther back? It's all good.

As usual, a great stretch and a wonderful way to start the day.

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