Monday, August 3, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 30: Plyometrics

Plyometrics, my old friend. This is another workout I haven't done in about 6 weeks, and had the same nervous feeling about returning to it as I did Ab Ripper X. I wasn't sure whether Interval Plus was keeping me Plyo-ready. I needn't have worried, because I made it through the entire workout without having to pause the disc, and was really able to Bring It on many of the exercises (lateral leapfrog squat, 180 squat switch pickups, etc). I'd have to say the Plyometrics is probably my favourite of the P90X workouts. I feel terrific afterwards (although I was a sweaty mess) and really feel like I've accomplished something. Also, after all these viewings, I still don't get tired of Tony's jokes. I must be a true fan.

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