Tuesday, July 21, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 17: Total Body Plus

Well, I had to open a mouth about the quality of the Plus workouts yesterday. I take it back, at least for Total Body Plus. I had to pause the DVD multiple times today (about 5 times!), to gather enough strength to Bring It for the next exercise. Some of these exercises are intense, or perhaps I'm just competitive with myself. I'm trying to make adjustments to form, weight, resistance or repetition to make the exercises as difficult as possible. Judging by the sweat and fatigue I felt today, I'm meeting with some success. On the other hand, some of the fatigue may be due to the late night tennis match I had with my son last night. I'd like to think that I was able to survive tennis, and really burned up on the exercises.

I really enjoy the push-up exercises during this workout. In fact, I think I enjoy just about all push-up exercises on the P90X series. I've found that in Total Body, I run out of time before I run out of push-ups inside me. Perhaps next time I'll try to continue in the exercise until I hit my maximum reps, then reset the DVD to the appropriate spot, and carry on.

Some of the exercises don't really do it for me: Lara Lunge Crunch, Lunge Squat Lunge, Kid Play (although they do involve push-ups). Perhaps if I had dumbbells, it might be a different story. I'm not sure. A higher ceiling (living with 1.9m!) would also be a benefit. Do your best and...you know.

Overall, still a good workout, I'd say. I'm going to stick it out in the name of muscle confusion.

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