Sunday, April 19, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 29: Chest, Shoulders,Triceps/Ab Ripper X

Commence Phase 2. My son took the traditional photographic poses marking the end of Phase 1 and the start of Phase 2. I usually take the photos between phases, rather than waiting precisely for days 30 and 60; I just like the break between phases better. Personal preference, I suppose.

Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

This workout killed me every time in Round 1. I'd say it's probably the toughest workout for me, Plyometrics notwithstanding. At least in Plyo I can DO all the exercises; in CST I find it difficult to do some of the exercises, especially the ones near the end of the workout. I was curious to see whether I'd improved in my fitness since the last attempt. Time to Bring It.

It started with the slow motion pushups. Previously (in Round 1) I found this really fatiguing and was not able to do additional pushups during the bonus round. Today, not only did I crank out the slow pushups, but also squeezed out an additional 10 as a bonus. The entire workout didn't go as brilliantly as that, but I did feel strong and was less intimidated during the exercises than previously. Overall, a good start to Phase 2.

Favourite move today: plange pushups. Really strong, and could keep going, even after the timer ran out.

Toughest move today: slide-fly pushups. This exhausts my core, shoulders, chest, you name it. I conked out with 25 seconds still left on the timer. I wouldn't exactly call that Bringing It.

Tony line of the day: "What's your shoulder saying? P90X rocks!"

Ab Ripper X

Completed all the repetitions today. Still working on improving form and focussing on engaging the core. That stubborn 6-pack will emerge someday.

Favourite move today: Heels to Heaven. Straight legs, flexed feet.

Toughest move today: Forward bicycles. I heard a disturbing clicking sound in my right hip flexor. No pain, but a strange sound effect. I'll monitor this one. No sound on the reverse bicycles, or any other move.

Tony line of the day: "I think I'll finish up with the kids."

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