Tuesday, April 21, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 31: Ab Ripper X

I got around to ARX following supper. Not the greatest time to do it, with my meal still resting (undigested) in my gut; however, one must press on.

Aside from occasional laboured breathing (due to expanded stomach competing with lung space, no doubt) the workout was great. My charming and talented wife, checking email at the computer while I exercised, barely noticed my presence. Either I wasn't grunting to distraction or my marriage is in trouble. I prefer to believe the former.

All moves were really strong today. Just a great workout. No cracking of the right hip flexor at all today.

I saw some "Making of P90X" videos on YouTube the other day. Some of the moves in ARX are named after participants in the test group: Fifer Scissors (Scott Fifer) and Mason Twists (after the director, named Mason). I found that to be quite interesting.

Favourite move today: Mason Twists. Bring it.

Toughest move today: None come to mind (a first!)

Tony line of the day: "We're halfway done...the party's almost over...what a bummer!"

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