Wednesday, April 22, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 32: Yoga X

Yoga is fast becoming one of my favourite workouts. I love the stretch, the breathing, the focus, and the sweating. I'm up at 6:00AM and can't believe how quickly 7:32 comes around.

Today, I decided to concentrate more on my breathing. I read somewhere on the P90X Facebook group site that by the time you strike a pose, you should have completely inhaled or exhaled. Then, hold and breathe. I found that increased my focus on what my body was supposed to be doing and the time just flew by.

There were a couple more (minor) milestones achieved today: on some of the moves, I am now able to place my entire palm on the floor, whereas before, I would have only my fingertips contacting the floor. My body is becoming more flexible as time goes on.

Favourite move today: right-angle pose with hand grab, right leg forward. I'm now grabbing my entire hand, not just interlocking the fingertips. Also, I'm getting a really good stretch, opening up my chest and twisting to look upwards at the ceiling. This is a tough, but really satisfying move.

Toughest move today: 3-part touch the sky (last 20 seconds). I really pushed for maximum height. My abs were really sore after that.

Tony line of the day: "Drop down there in Warrior 2 Mr. Haas! This is Yoga X, my brother!"

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