Sunday, November 18, 2012

P90X: Day 6: Kenpo Cardio Plus

I've decided to swap out the standard Kenpo X (part of the P90X DVDs) for Kenpo Cardio Plus, which is part of the P90X Plus group. While I initially found Kenpo X a challenge, I soon got used to it, and it didn't really do much for my heart rate after a while. Kenpo Cardio Plus is more challenging for me and I thought I would benefit more for including it in this Round.

After starting the workout, I thought that I had made a mistake. My legs and butt were killing me from the Legs and Back workout, making Kenpo much more difficult. This is where the mind kicks in. You can quit, or you can tell yourself to keep going and finish the workout. I knew I wasn't injured, so I forced my body thorough the moves and finished up Week 1 strong.

Now that Week 1 is in the books, Weeks 2 and 3 will be repeats. Having been re-introduced to the series, I'll now be in a position to up the intensity.

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