Thursday, November 29, 2012

P90X: Day 19: Legs and Back

I'm back on track, having had a couple of evenings with long hours of sleep. Legs and Back went really well, moving at a brick, sweat-inducing pace, resulting in extreme leg shake upon completion. The most difficult moves are those executed on one leg, such as Balance Lunges (thankfully being the first move of the day), Super Skaters, Single-Leg Squats; in short, anything where you have to balance on one leg while keeping the other leg suspended while engaging in a squatting or full range of motion move. This requires both balance and concentration. I find that if I position my hands in a certain way, it aids with balance. My left leg is still weaker than my right, but I'm starting to see some improvements. I also took the opportunity to increase my weights today. Things are getting better, as I look past tomorrow's workout to Recovery Week.

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