Monday, November 26, 2012

P90 X: Day 16: Plyometrics

I forgot to mention yesterday that I'm 15 days into the program. That 1/6 of the round under my belt. There is a lot of work still to be done, so I'm glad that there's so much time left. I've been taking it a bit easy these past two weeks and, comparing my worksheets now to what I achieved in the program a few years ago, I still have some way to go before I start to match earlier results, never mind exceed them.

With that in mind, I leapt into Plyo this morning. I made a conscious effort to pay attention to form, and tried to stay lower in my squats during the squat moves, and leap higher and farther during the other moves. It's the Olympic spirit: higher, faster, stronger. And, it resulted in a kick-ass workout.

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