Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Round 7: Day 52: Mason's Choice

Every time I do this workout, I end up feeling gassed by the end. It starts slowly, then builds up in intensity over the course of the workout. By the time it's over, I'm done. I've only done this workout three times, but it's really growing on me.

In keeping with my promise to myself this week, I selected this workout as a way of kicking myself in the duff to get moving and to shake up the status quo. As I write this, my legs are feeling a bit sore, so I'm looking forward to a bit of stretching through yoga tomorrow. In the meantime, I think my schedule revision is starting to have some effect, as I'm feeling a bit more energetic and less sluggish. A decent night's sleep would help, too. I'll have to start paying closer attention to my bedtime.

Bring It!

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