Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Round 4: Day 45: Bun Shaper

Things are starting to get back on track. I think the exhaustion I felt yesterday during Chest and Back was due to a lack of adequate food and liquid intake; hence, the body bonked. I got a decent amount of sleep last night (secure in the knowledge that the Saints had beaten the hated and despised Patriots) and, well rested, was ready to shape my buns.

This is only the second time I've done this workout, but really enjoyed it the last time, so I was looking forward to a repeat performance. I did a 5-minute warm-up prior to starting the workout, as I recalled that the taped warm-up was insufficient for me. The 9 exercises are reasonably diverse. Tony takes his time during the first round and, due to self-imposed time constraints, rushes a bit during the repeat round. That's OK with me, as it makes the repeat round more intense work. There's little time to rest, and I really started to feel the burn in my glutes as the workout drew to a close.

I was pleased with my effort today, considering that I was unhappy with what had happened yesterday, and was happy to see that I hadn't suffered some sort of lasting problem. It was also a great way to work out some stress, immediately prior to attending a funeral.

I'm skipping the ab workout today, as time won't permit. I'll endeavour to make it up.

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