I am a creature of habit. I've been really good at keeping to the P90X schedule during Rounds 1 and 2. I only missed ARX twice during those rounds, and both times I made up the missed workouts. Similarly, I've been faithful to the P90X+ workouts, not missing a single one since I started, or, if I did, I've made it up. The problem with me is that I stick rigidly to the workout schedule. There's no ab workout scheduled for Day 3 of P90X+. I've been trying to convince myself to add one on that day, because I feel that my abs could benefit from the extra work; however, if it's not printed on the schedule, it doesn't seem to get done. The funny thing about this is that if it were printed on the schedule, I would absolutely do the workout. My motivational difficulty is clearly between my ears. It's all mental. I wish I could jolt myself out of this and just get to the additional workout. I'd likely feel much better about myself.
Yoga: it's the fountain of youth boys and girls. I felt a bit of a twinge in my left ankle last night, from I-don't-know-what. I was hoping that a session of yoga would cure that ill, and it seems to have done the trick. I've also still been experiencing some tightness in my left hip flexor. I suspect that this may actually be resulting from all the bicycle riding I've been doing, but I'm not going to stop that because I enjoy it too much. So, I look forward to yoga, especially down dog, crescent pose and warrior 1 to stretch out my tightness. It works. I really enjoy this workout.
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