I'm getting nostalgic for these workouts, knowing that this is the last week prior to Recovery Week. It's almost like saying goodbye to an old friend. I've been thinking about completing Round 2 and commencing P90X Plus. Every now and then, I think about doing Round 3 of P90X, but I am growing a bit tired of the videos (although I only see some of them 5 times during the 90 day cycle). I have gotten to the point where I've memorized many of the lines, and it's starting to wear on me a bit. I find the thought of P90X Plus a bit daunting, but I had that feeling with P90X initially, and I managed to get over it once I had become a bit familiar with the workouts. Besides, I'm looking forward to a 45 minute workout instead of an hour.
Back & Biceps went well today. I blew out a handle on the blue resistance band part way through the workout. Fortunately, I had recently purchased a spare set of handles, and was able to make a quick replacement. I was surprised that the stitching through the cloth had unravelled. The handle itself is in good condition. Perhaps I can repair it.
I ran through the workout without pausing the tape. There are many exercises which can be done out of sync with Tony and the kids, so as soon as I finished one exercise, I immediately went on to the next. This allows me to do a few more reps than what's being done on the tape. My numbers didn't change from week 10, but form was good and I got a very good burn. I'm still pushing for maximum reps on most exercises, but conscious of the need to be able to complete the workout.
Favourite move today: Twenty-ones. Solid arms. Good horizontal hold on the forearm while working the opposite arm.
Toughest move today: Hammer curls. Barely squeezed out 12 using the blue resistance band. 13 was an impossibility. I really liked going to failure.
Tony line of the day: "I think I blew out my esophagus."
Ab Ripper X
This is the second-to-last time for ARX during this Round. I'm at the point where I love it, rather than hate it. Well, maybe not love, but definitely not hate. It's more like flossing your teeth: you may not particularly feel like doing it, but you know it's good for you, it doesn't take too much time, and it won't kill you. Besides, it makes for less pain later at the dentist.
Had a really strong workout today. I was tired at the end (like always) but this isn't the killer workout for me that it once was.
Favourite move today: heels to heaven. Got the legs going straight up, very little front-to-back wobble, heels up high, toes aimed slightly towards my head, good concentration, great burn.
Toughest move today: VF rollups.
Tony line of the day: "I can't believe it's almost over...makes me sad." Indeed.
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