Wednesday, June 10, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 74: Yoga

A change of pace today: I decided to try out One on One with Tony Horton: Fountain of Youth. This is a 45 minute yoga workout featuring Tony in his home gym. It incorporates many of the moves found in Yoga X: downward / upward dogs, knee to forehead, right-angle pose, chair pose. There are some new moves thrown in, mainly stretches while in downward dog or plank position, some stretches where you introduce your nose to your knees, stepping on your hands. There are different stomach exercises: a variation on Fifer Scissors, and knee to elbow touches in bicycles whilst on your back. Also, there are 3 extremely slow motion push-ups tossed in, just for fun. Finally, some straight leg hamstring stretches, with some pretty excruciating variations. Nice.

The workout is not as intense as Yoga X, but I did work up a decent sweat. I didn't feel quite as relaxed at the end, as I do following Yoga X. Also, no shavasanah, no ohms. I actually miss those. Of course, there's nothing preventing me from doing those on my own, come to think of it. On the plus side, the workout is over really quickly; on the negative side, its not really as solid a yoga workout as Yoga X. Pros and cons.

Overall, I felt like I was cheating a bit on the program. Next time, I'll do the full Yoga X.

Favourite move today: bicycles. I was surprised that this was much easier for me to do than it looked. I thought it would really be a killer.

Toughest move today: head to elbow, head to opposite elbow. Wow. What a stretch. And core work!

Tony line of the day: "I'm 50 years old! Half a century! Helllooooo!" He's just as diverting as ever. Love it.

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