Monday, June 8, 2009

P90X: Round 2: Day 72: Plyometrics

Today was the re-start of Plyo in Week 11. Again, I approached the workout somewhat gingerly, because I wasn't sure how intensely I would be able to Bring It. After the warmup and the first couple of exercises, I felt like my old self and really attacked the workout. Great sweat today. Now, I feel like I'm gaining back my momentum and am looking forward to the rest of the week.

My shoulders and chest are pretty sore from yesterday's workout. The extra range of motion on the push-up bars made a difference, and I'm feeling it today (in a good way). I haven't felt this sore after Chest and Back in recent memory. I almost feel that I should be doing a third round of P90X just to see how things go using the new equipment. I'm sure that eventually, I will.

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