Monday, April 13, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 22: Yoga X

Sorry for the missed posts, but I've been away from the computer for a few days. During the roaring silence, I managed to complete Legs & Back and Kenpo X.

Yoga was the start of the Phase 1 Recovery Week. I really look forward to Yoga because it always seems to come at a time when my body could most use it. The start of Recovery Week is no exception, following the pounding I've been taking during weeks 1-3.

I've noticed some changes in my flexibility over the past few Yoga sessions. I'm able to hold poses longer and have been really focussing on form, balance and breathing. This time, I was able to touch my knee to my head with both my right and left knees prior to the right-angle pose with grab. Being able to make contact with my right knee was a first; previously, I was only able to make contact with my left knee (and that was only last week). Baby steps, but personally significant nevertheless.

Favourite move today: right angle post with grab

Toughest move today: half-moon on left leg

Tony line of the day: "I recommend using the blocks here...if you don't have them, use your cat or dog."

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