Monday, April 13, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 23: Core Synergistics

I've always felt that Recovery Week should be easier than regular weeks, and perhaps technically that's true, but it didn't feel easy doing Core Synergistics today. This workout always gives me a kick in the rear and I usually end up sweating like a dog afterwards. Today was no exception.

I've improved slightly in this workout since Round 1; however, it is still a very challenging set of exercises and there's not much time between exercises for break and recovery. I spent my time today really focussing on the Tip of the Day (engage) and tried to really push my core as hard as possible. I gave the Dreya Rolls another try (I've been avoiding them since Round 1, when I thought they would injure my neck) and managed to complete several of them, so there was another (minor) victory in my progress through the program.

Favourite move today: staggered hand push-ups. All day long.

Toughest move today: walking push-ups. These come fairly late in the program, by which time my core has been pretty much worn out. I only walked for 40 seconds. There's room for improvement.

Tony line of the day: "When I say 'Engage', I don't mean go out and get engaged" (warmup)

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