Tuesday, April 14, 2009

P90X Round 2, Day 24: Kenpo X

I take back everything I said about Wesley Idol in my last Kenpo post. I recently saw a series of really interesting videos about the making of P90X on YouTube and saw Wesley in his studio showing some moves to Tony. Wesley Idol is a pro. No wonder he's smirking during the Kenpo workout; he probably barely breaks a sweat doing it. Next time, I'll keep my opinions to myself. But then, I suppose, what's a blog for?

I love seeing how things are made, especially films. P90X is no exception. I find it really interesting seeing the story behind the story, the personalities, the stresses and pressures, the marketing decisions, the exercises that didn't make it into the final product, and the difficulties people had following the diet. Watching this series really made me appreciate how difficult it is to design a fitness program that works. Here's the link to the first video:


Once you're there, the others in the series will pop up. I think there are 24 altogether. Well worth watching.

Back to Kenpo. Having seen those videos the other day, I was really intent on making this the best workout ever, so I became Johnny Intense. I still have difficulty on some of the side and back kicks because I don't have the greatest flexibility in my hips (although I am really trying to open up my hips during the warmup). Just do your best and forget the rest. Over time, I hope that my kicks improve.

Favourite move today: elbow sequence.

Toughest move today: side kicks with right leg extended.

Tony line of the day: "Wesley, he's Mr. Flex-and-Breathe." (warmup)

[Sorry, no more posts until Friday.]

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