Friday, October 22, 2010

Round 7: Day 40: Cardio Intervals

Looking for a little more fat burning, I decided to stick with cardio this week, and selected Cardio Intervals. That was a bit of a mistake, as I think I really was looking for Super Cardio, which is more of a leg burner. Anyhow, I suppose that some movement is better than no movement, and once I put a DVD in the player, I tend to stick with it. It's been so long since I did either workout, that I figured that it's all good, regardless.

Truthfully, this workout is a bit of a lightweight, but as I've been doing so much running as my cardio component over the last few months, moving in an unfamiliar way was good to shake up my body and add a bit of variety to my routine. Normally, I don't find this workout to be particularly exerting, but the leg kicks and the moderate jumping exercises did cause my heart rate to elevate, and I did find myself a bit worn out by the end. It's obviously not the same as running, where my heart rate elevates quite high; on the other hand, it has sufficient irregular movements to keep things interesting and to hit muscle groups that aren't stressed over the course of a run.

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