Monday, August 9, 2010

Round 6: Day 78: 30-15

Week 12 kicked off with probably my favourite routine, 30-15 (and it rhymes, to boot). I zipped through the exercises, advancing well ahead of Tony by skipping breaks and chatter. By forcing myself to stick to the pushups and pullups, and minimizing the time between exercises, I was able to complete the workout in about 50 minutes. Of course, I was completely wiped afterwards, and I was completely incapable of doing anything with my arms for the next 4 hours (including washing, eating and combing my hair) but it was well worth it. I don't recall ever feeling so powerful or energetic, so I think that all the upper body work done during this Round has really paid off.

It's a great way to start the week. I'm really pushing like crazy to challenge myself.

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