Monday, June 28, 2010

Round 6: Day 37: Yoga

To replace today's regularly scheduled cardio workout, I was looking for something which would present a challenge, but not involve any impact on my legs. Yoga seemed like a reasonable alternative, as I would also benefit from a good stretch. It's always a good time for yoga, it seems.

Today's workout, Patience Hummingbird, really got me sweating. I worked hard at maintaining good form on each pose, and was very conscious of the objective of each stretch. The sweat started to roll early on, and I found the workout difficult, even though it's short and I was really intent on focussing on my breathing.

I'd say that I got out of the workout what I was looking for, but I do miss the joy of a strenuous cardio workout. I'm looking forward to a full and complete healing of my leg so I can get back to that. It's difficult to be patient in this situation, but I'm sure that trying to get back to cardio too soon will only aggravate the condition, and lay me up for a longer period of time.


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