Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Round 5: Day 60: Yoga

Sorry for the lack of communication over the past week. I've been away from my computer and wasn't able to post any comments for a few days. In my electronic absence, I managed to squeeze in a few workouts:

Yoga (completing Recovery Week and Week 8)
30-15 (commencing Week 9)
Insanity: Pure Cardio
Back and Biceps

Which brings me to today's workout, Yoga. Last Friday I did Fountain of Youth (with my daughter, the yoga guru), and had inklings of doing Patience Yoga today, but I felt stiff and a little sore from the resistance workouts this week, so I decided to do Fountain of Youth again, for a longer, more intensive stretch. The longer the yoga workout, the more effective the stretch (for me, at least). I notice a difference between Fountain of Youth and Patience during the hamstring stretch section. I get a better, deeper stretch during FOY's hamstring section than Patience. I think that's due to the length of the workout. FOY provides a longer workout leading to the hamstring stretches. As a result, my body is warmer and more limber, allowing me to stretch my hamstrings farther and more comfortably. In contrast, Patience reaches the hamstring stretches in a shorter time frame, so my body is a little colder and a little less flexible. Those two workouts don't compare to Yoga X, where hamstring stretches occur well after an hour of yoga. As always, listen to your body. I'm aware of my limitations, so I won't overdo stretching during Patience. I'll go deeper into my stretches during FOY, and let it all out in Yoga X.

I always feel great following a yoga workout. I paid extra attention to two basics: upward dog and downward dog. Now, my shoulders are nice and loose, as are my calves and achilles tendons. I've found that it's helpful to focus specifically on what's sore at the time. Once you've ironed out the kinks, you're ready to Bring It for the remainder of the week.

I just noticed a milestone: today is Day 60, two-thirds of the way through this Round. Time flies when you're having so much fun.


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