Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Round 5: Day 18: Yoga

I had a lousy sleep last night. My day yesterday was überstressful, and when I got home, my chest was still constricted and my heart palpitating. Well, perhaps I exaggerate, but it was really difficult to leave work at the office. Sometimes you have those days where you just can't dismiss the issues you've dealt with and focus on the home front. Yesterday was definitely one of those days. It still affected me as I lay in bed trying to sleep (the whole notion of trying to sleep illustrates perfectly how tightly wound I was) and, frustrated, I stayed up late, trying to drain my mind by watching Olympic curling (go Cheryl Bernard!) on the tele. Eventually, I drifted off, had a restless sleep, and awoke, unrefreshed, having accumulated fewer than 5h of shuteye. Not a good night to let your body recover.

Thank goodness today's workout was Yoga. I staggered to the tele, plunked in Patience, Hummingbird, and commenced. No problem clearing the mind and staying in the present today, as I didn't have much of a mind to clear, due to fatigue. The slow motion moves, and the almost interminable holding of poses was really good for me. I didn't need anything too strenuous, just the rhythmic flow of upward and downward dog, a good hamstring stretch, Warrior 1, 2 and 3, an enhanced shoulder stretch, and I was good to go.

I don't know how long my mind will hold out today, but I'll definitely be looking forward to more rest tonight and will be ready to complete this week's workouts.


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